Monday, June 9, 2008


I have to say that I had a blast working the convention. I had the most hectic and fun filled time meeting new people telling them about product and sharing my love for scrapping.
I didn't get there until day two. Here we can see Carolyn still looking quite chipper.
Here are some pictures of the booth. It was gorgeous, filled with eye candy and product. Sherri and Carolyn really out-did themselves on the design.

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Here is the bain of our existance. There was a power surge and it took our cash register out. So for two hours while Nolan was out getting a new cash register, we had two calculators. We were counting out change old school. My brain has never worked so hard! Oh and did I mention even with a calculator, the line was wrapped around our booth?

Thank goodness for Ruthe. She stepped right in and helped us. She has a way with a crowd. She was calm cool and collected. Ruthe is my hero!

Nolan was a hoot! He was hawking for us. "Let's hear it for the Crafty Scrapper!" "Come on in to The Crafty Scrapper!" Plus he was putting in big plugs for the Waxahachie Chamber of commerce and tourism there on the square, so I think the whole town of Waxahachie owes him a debt of gratitude.
Once Nolan got back with a new register, he was able to get the old register working as well so we had two registers going!

Here we are at the end of day 2. Still smilin'.

Notice there are no pictures of day three. I only got out of the booth to go to the restroom and visit the bra ladies. (I needed to get two things at convention and managed to come home with neither!)
Carolyn decided to work the crop that we did that. Here we are after the crop. Heidi is looking peppy still.

Joanna helped with tear down and the crop. Here she is helping Nolan load the truck.
Carolyn is all business here with Nolan's handy dandy all purpose knife.
By the time I was finished with only two days of convention....I was toast. It has taken me a day and half just to gather the energy to post about it. I'm tired, but still filled with my scrappy high! I hope that all the new friends that we made will join us in Waxahachie soon! It was really awesome to be part of the most popular booth at the convention!


Sherri said...

Great pics & I was sooo happy that you Heidi & Joanna were there helping. Hope you keep your high, cause you worked hard for the store. The stuff the Design Team made for the booth was awesome. Hopefully, we'll get it all out here in the next few weeks.

DeeDee said...

I loved how the booth was jam-packed. It was like going to an actual store.

Everyone was working so hard when I came through on Saturday. I'm surprised you didn't all lose your voices.

Hope we see a bunch of new people soon. :)